I am a Realtor Server not a Born Salesman

I am a Realtor server not a born salesman. My first cut at sales was at Thrasher Elementary school on Signal Mountain, TN. Each year the students sold chocolate bars. We raised money for classroom window air conditioners. I still remember the first house in Skyline Drive subdivision I walked up to. The older lady…

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I Didn't Mean To Be A Real Estate Agent

I didn’t mean to be a real estate agent. It just seemed to happen to me. Here’s my version of the story. In first grade at Thrasher Elementary in the 70s, I had three occupation choices, 1. Policeman, 2. Fireman, or 3. Astronaut. My decision at the time was Astronaut. I remember watching Neil Armstrong…

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Real Estate Brokerage Model Will Change To Accommodate Trust and Service

Real estate brokerage model will change to accommodate trust and service. Serving home buyers and sellers with trustworthy service will be a generous business for years to come. How Realtors and brokerage firms get paid will most likely change. Change is being driven by the human need for honest communication and is being facilitated by…

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How To Sell Your House Yourself

How do you sell your house on your own? Confession (1) I can only guess, because I have never done it. I am a real estate agent, a Realtor. I have owned 4 homes. I hired someone else to sell 3 of them. Confession (2) I have not slept in a Holiday Inn Express lately.…

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